Thursday, September 2, 2010

It Didn't Always Use to Be Like This

These days in NYC it is impossible not to notice the obscene amount of youth walking the streets. Squaters are quickly being replaced by NYU students and fresh faced models. A new school year is upon us, as is NYC Fashion Week. While there are many that complain about both of these yearly welcomings of Fall I like the energy it brings to the city. The long hot summer days are quickly being replaced by packed schedules and places to be. I think I am looking at it from new eyes this Fall. I feel very separate from it, and yet can still appreciate the fresh start of a new year. 

Of course it also fills me with nostalgia and I do hear my judgemental self....well judging. I've moved lanes into the "non-person lane." I use to be the smiling young thing amongst the excited crowd of young faces. Now I think the stroller is noticed first and the person behind it second (if at all). I am that person who takes up too much space on the sidewalk and walks a bit slower than a person should walk in this city. 

Last night as I walked home from work there were several crowds of students walking around welcoming each other back. I was surprised that I did not feel a jealous pain. Instead I felt comfortable where I in my slower lane. 

So welcome back students and fresh faced models. I hope the city treats you as well as it has treated me over the years.